Essence Blog

Write yourself a permission slip.

For many of us, growing up involved asking permission from our parents, caregivers, teachers, and authority figures to do almost everything- including using the restroom! When we wanted to go on a trip, our parents had to sign a permission slip; if we wanted to miss a day of school, our parents had to write a permission slip. Imagine how this good girl/ nice guy programming affected us subconsciously.  

When we spend the formative years of our lives seeking permission from others,...

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Feeling Conflicted?

We can’t be everything to everybody

Ugh, I can’t tell you how often I’ve had to remind myself of this.  

I hate it because part of me really wants to be EVERYTHING.  

But, part of me also wants to sit on the couch, read a book, and eat snacks (especially the Lesser Evil Himalayan Sweetness Organic Popcorn-it’s so good).  

These two parts create an inner conflict I’m very familiar with. 

In the past month, several client...

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