Essence Blog

Are you All In? Iโ€™m not. Hereโ€™s why.

Have you heard that expression to go all in?  

I've determined that I'm not all in. 

"All in" is a phrase marketers and coaches will use to motivate. I may have even used it myself in the past. If you go "All in," then you' this, buy this, join this, achieve this...etc. 

But most of the time, I'm just not ALL IN. 

I love my business, but I'm not all in, certainly not "all in" on posting 3x a day on social media and all the other things I should be doing if I...

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Reflections on Mother's Day

Last weekend was Mother’s Day 

On one hand, asking someone if they had a lovely Mother’s Day is a polite pleasantry, but in reality,  it can be a loaded question.  

If you had a magical unicorn Mother’s Day, feel free to skip to the next section. But you aren't alone if Sunday stirred up some unpleasant thoughts and emotions.  

My thoughts aren’t fully polished, complete, or absolute, but here’s what’s been rolling...

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How to Alleviate a Pity Party Hangover

I have a confession. I showed up for a party with my invitation in hand feeling very righteous about being there.

It was a good ol’ fashioned, self-induced pity party!

One night while traveling in Vermont, I found myself alone on a bench in a beautiful town feeling bummed and disillusioned and sorry for myself. And it wasn’t long before I felt the hangover of too much pity partying.

I  felt an ache in my heart, and a heaviness in my being and disconnected from...

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