Essence Blog

Staying on Track When Life Gets Hectic

planning Apr 30, 2024

I am one week away from leading Mike Dooley's Infinite Possibilities Certification Conference and completing the fourth round of the In the World Mastermind. This means time feels compressed, my to-do list feels impossible, I am sitting in front of my computer way too much, and I am holding stress in my body. 

Have you had weeks that felt like that, too?  

So, right now, I have to be very intentional about moving, sleeping, breathing, and eating nourishing, healthy food....

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It’s that time of year again.

Guess what time it is according to the world of Regena? 

New 2024 Planner time. 

Reaction check- did you light up excitedly, or did you vehemently roll your eyes?  

Oh, friend, I totally get and honor both reactions. 

If you don’t want to hear a thing about planning and planners, and especially if you are a Ted Lasso Fan, read no further and watch this video instead. Happy Thursday! 

Finding a planning system that actually worked for me and didn’t cause...

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Mid-Year Review

July marks the mid-way point of the year!

As an education major, I trained in how assessment and review are key pieces of the learning process. It’s how we determine progress (or lack thereof), what needs attention, and if objectives are met and on track.

In my own life, I do reviews and reflection rituals. I’ve shared them with clients to do in your personal life, for your work, and especially for your business if you are an entrepreneur. 

The following review process can be...

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