Essence Blog

Ever felt like youā€™re not enough?

You’ve probably heard people talk about core limiting beliefs. They are the central painful story and negative assumption you’ve told yourself, often stemming from experiences, wounds, and conditioning while growing up.  

These beliefs become ingrained in our subconscious, and our brain looks for evidence to prove them true. Energy goes where our attention flows. You can imagine how this belief holds us back in immeasurable ways.

My core limiting...

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Are you All In? Iā€™m not. Hereā€™s why.

Have you heard that expression to go all in?  

I've determined that I'm not all in. 

"All in" is a phrase marketers and coaches will use to motivate. I may have even used it myself in the past. If you go "All in," then you' this, buy this, join this, achieve this...etc. 

But most of the time, I'm just not ALL IN. 

I love my business, but I'm not all in, certainly not "all in" on posting 3x a day on social media and all the other things I should be doing if I...

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A Personal Story about 2019

If you'd rather hear my voice tell you this story instead of reading it, click here.

 Many people I know are ready for 2020 to be over. I get it. 

Last year when I sat down to write to you about my annual reflection ritual, it felt really hard. 

I wasn’t sure I could even bring myself to do my own ritual, let alone write something compelling about why you should join me. 

A lot happened in 2019 that felt devastating. I went through some major losses, and a few...

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My Letter of Forgiveness

Throughout my decade of coaching and leading women, I have come to believe in the transformation of giving ourselves grace and forgiveness as a way to really care for our physical and emotional well-being.

Forgiving yourself is difficult especially if it was never modeled. How could you ever be “enough” if you were conditioned to carry around your guilt like a badge of honor designed to keep you “humble”?

As a human be-ing, you will make mistakes and poor choices, act...

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