Essence Blog

My Letter of Longing

I was going to write you a love letter, but it became a letter of longing. 

I long for time to slow down. I’m not ready for it to be the halfway point of 2023. 

I long for connection and conversation that feels meaningful + warm, + uplifting, even if the topics are heavy and emotional. 

I long for a break from the bad news of corruption, hate, dysfunction, and destruction that comes at us from all sides.  I long for a respite from the heartbreak of the comment...

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Why I do thought work

Did you know that, on average, each day, you generate 50,000 words in your private thoughts

That's equivalent to a short book or roughly 100 pages.📕

It's fascinating to think that your brain is constantly writing a book of thoughts (which could become beliefs)  regardless of whether you're aware of it. This is why I work intentionally with my thoughts. Once I realized how much we "speak to ourselves," it prompted an important question. What genre is your thought book? 


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Unearthing Gems: The Joy of Revisiting What You Write.

Do you have a graveyard of notebooks hidden away somewhere in your home? Do you keep a journal but rarely revisit the entries? If so, you may be missing out on valuable insights and inspiration.

It's easy to forget the value of our notes and journal entries, but they often contain a wealth of ideas, thoughts, and aha moments that can spark creativity and offer guidance. If you attended a course, workshop, or conference and took notes, go back and read them. If you keep a journal, go back and...

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